Friday, 27 March 2015

A finish, and a 1st attempt!

Hello, it's been one of those weeks, glad it's nearly the weekend
I never got much time to stitch this week as we had been waiting on replacement furninture to arrive for our living room as the last delivery was damaged. I was glad to have some stitching time yesterday and today and am pleased to have finished my sampler :)

      Need of Love by Moira Blackburn
        20/2/15 - 27/3/15
       32ct Platinum Linen with Dmc threads

Now to decide what to start now, I'm thinking a small project before I jump into a larger sampler, I will be searching through the stash pile tonight

At the weekend I was able to set up my new desk in my bedroom for to use for my sewing machine, in the past it's been in a cupboard upstairs and I had to trail it downstairs to use, so this is so much better

for my 1st project I tried to make a patchwork table runner for my new coffee table, it was harder than I thought to stitch those seems straight and it's by no means perfect, infact any good quilter will laugh at my attempts

it looked not too bad until I added those quilt lines, then it went downhill :) well I'm going to attempt to put the bias binding on and put it down to a very poor first attempt!

Sad day in our home yesterday as my Daughter lost her little furbaby to old age, he was such a sweet natured little thing, and will be sadly missed
                                                                   RIP Sheldon x

On a brighter note I have had lovely comments on my last post which made me feel glad to be part of the blogging world again, thanks for taking the time to leave them x  and I welcome my new followers, so happy to have some :) and I'm having a lot of fun discovering new blogs and finding some that I followed a few years back

That's all from me this evening, I hope you all have a lovely weekend, take care x


  1. Don't worry Lisa, i'm the same when it comes to patchwork, i'm still trying to get my seams perfect and learn all the little things to make it easier. I think it's great though and you should go ahead and bind it. It's always good to look back on the first attempts and see how far we have come.
    Sorry to hear about little Sheldon.

  2. Fabulous finish! Congrats!
    Think your table runner is pretty.
    Awe, sorry for your young ones loss.

  3. il tuo sampler è bellissimo!
